March 27-April 3: Happy Spring Break! – We are excited for you, your family and our school community to have a Spring Break and enjoy (even more) some “alone” time with your family. To help you enjoy your break, we want to help you know what you can expect when we all return.

🥪🥪🥪 Spring Break Meal Sign Up — CLICK HERE.

April 6-7 – Review and Communication Days (Mon & Tues after the break)
We want to know what is working and what we can improve in delivering home-based learning during the Covid-19 Closure. We have created an anonymous survey for parents and secondary students that can be completed anytime between now and April 6th ( The survey will also be sent to your email accounts that we have in Infinite Campus and will be available through the home-based learning portal. We will review the surveys (April 6 & l7) and do our best to optimize your student’s learning experience.

We will be available those days to answer any questions you may have regarding your student’s home-based learning and to offer help on work he/she was unable to finish before the break. We will also be taking time to prepare as we go into a longer period of home-based learning.

April 8 – Home-Based/Online Learning Resumes (Wednesday after the break)
Teachers and students will resume their daily, home-based learning routines Wednesday. Schools will be providing a similar pick-up/drop-off of necessary materials that were provided this past week. We would ask that those who are needing to pick up materials respect the health of others and go into the pick-up area one family at a time.

Teachers will be available to help students/parents who have questions about the work. Because we will be working with a longer time period in mind, some of the schools/classes may be altering the delivery method of the course (packets to online or vice-versa). If that is the case for your student, we will make sure to walk your child through how to navigate what is being asked of them.

In the meantime, please enjoy your break, do something fun as a family, and please do not stress about school work. We will do everything we can when we get back to help your child succeed.

We’ve got this!

Survey Link –