As approved by the Board of Trustees of Teton School District 401 on Monday, August 17, 2020





What day will we start school?
School will begin August 31; this will give teachers more time to prepare and each school to fine tune logistics for its individual needs, based on all protocols within the TSD 401 Reopening Plan.

Do all classes start that day?
For students in 6-12, classes convene on August 31st; the elementary schools (K-5) will hold Open Houses on 8/31 (from 9-1) with classes beginning on September 1st.

Will we have to go longer in June?
The school year is scheduled to end as planned on Friday, May 28. Teachers will have three fewer Professional Development Days (these will be student days.)

What extra training is being provided to teachers?
Teachers will have eight full days for school collaboration, to refine daily schedules, and learn the safety protocols. They’ll also have scheduled PD to better acquaint themselves with learning platforms and programs.

Are there some things we should do no matter where we are to help reduce the risk of
spreading COVID-19?
Yes. The four main things are: 1) Stay at home if you’re sick (and monitor yourself and family).. 2) Practice social distancing when with anyone except your family. 3) Wear a face covering. 4) Wash your hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds each time, or use hand sanitizer.

What are the learning options for this fall?
There are three of them: Attend traditional school (and follow risk-level adaptations); Attend school virtually (a short term plan that involves realtime instruction for grades 6-12 and custom adaptation for K-5); or Attend Teton Online School (designed as a long-term plan of a quarter or more).

What is the school district doing to keep students and staff safe?
TSD 401 has established internal safety protocols for prevention, distancing, sanitation, transportation, food service, and custodial/maintenance. The district will work directly with EIPH regarding positive-cast protocols. Please refer to the TSD 401 Reopening Plan for additional specifics.

What are the specific triggers to go into a different level?
See EIPH Plan

Who makes the decision to move to a different level?
EIPH provides guidance, school decisions are with the school board and administration.

Are we following EIPH’s risk levels immediately?
TSD401 will coordinate with EIPH as frequently as needed (daily, weekly, etc.)

How will any change in risk level be communicated?
TSD 401 will use email, its website, social media pages, local media, and text messages to communicate with parents.

What is the time-frame for each level in order to create some stability for families and staff?
Two weeks, subject to EIPH determination of risk and by the TSD 401 school board.

Will you put pressure on TVH to ensure that test results (especially of staff) aren’t delayed?
While we are keeping a close eye on results, testing is not within our jurisdiction. We will coordinate directly with EIPH on school-related information, and follow school and medical privacy protocols (FERPA and HIPAA).

Will we be taking temperatures? When and where?
Yes, by bus drivers as students get on their bus, and at school (when students enter, or in first class of the day.) All staff members will be trained to keep this information confidential according to FERPA and HIPAA.

What happens if a student has a temperature when they enter the bus?
If a parent is present at the bus stop, the student may return home with the parent. Students with a temperature will be seated near the driver, and directed to the school office when leaving the bus. At the school, their temperature will be taken again, they’ll be isolated if it’s above 100.4, and their parents will be contacted to pick them up.

What happens if a student starts to feel sick at school?
Students who become sick at school will be isolated and their parents will be notified. Parents are expected to pick up their child as soon as possible. We encourage families to use the EIPH Health Monitoring Decision Tree and quarantine as necessary.

Will masks/face coverings be required?
Yes, per the Eastern Idaho Public Health Guidance for all levels.

Will masks be provided by TSD 401?
Masks will be provided for those students and staff that aren’t able to provide their own. Each student and staff member will be required to wear a mask/face covering while inside a school bus, in any school building or facility, and any time they are within 6’ of another person.

Are face shields acceptable as a face covering?
Face shields may be worn by staff, as long as they wear a mask underneath, as recommended by the CDC.

Will we analyze how full buses will be (if we’re on alternate-day level)?
All students and staff will be expected to wear a mask/face covering on all school buses.

When and where will we be expected to wash our hands?
Hand washing will be expected of all students and staff, specific schedules and locations to be determined at the school level. Hand sanitizer will be available on all buses, at entrances to all schools, and within each classroom.

What happens if a classmate or teacher has COVID?
The school district will work closely with EIPH to respond to any positive case by a student or teacher. Communication will happen as soon as possible with staff and parents of children who may have been exposed.

How can we use extra space within each building?
Principals will work with staff to review all spaces, interior and exterior, to determine how to best use all spaces (auditorium, gymnasium, cafeteria, playground, etc.).

What will be the maximum number of students in a classroom?
Class size and spacing will be determined at the school level, following CDC guidelines as much as possible.

How do we safely feed all students?
Child Nutrition and administration will work on details for providing meals and social distancing options for students and staff (cafeteria, gymnasium, alternate scheduling, etc.).

Will my student be able to eat if we’re on alternate days or if they’re in Teton Online School?
Yes; there will be meals available for pickup, payable through MealTime, as long as the student is enrolled in TSD 401 and is attending that day, even if remotely. Signup, pickup and location details are yet to be determined.

What about if my family qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch?
The same Child Nutrition protocols will apply to you.

Who is responsible for cleaning during the day?
Custodians are responsible for cleaning schools on a daily basis. Adjustments to schedules will be reviewed. Teachers and students will be cleaning desks throughout the day on a regular basis.

If a teacher or student gets sick, then must those in close contact (for 15 minutes) quarantine for 14 days?
See EIPH plan

How do we define these parameters?
See EIPH plan

Do we supply hotspots?
If EIPH determines we must go to an alternate days schedule or are at a critical level, Internet WiFi hotspots will be available, similar to the support provided in the spring. Hotspots will not be provided to those families who choose Teton Online School.

How is home-based learning different from Teton Online School?
Home-based learning is what the entire district will do if our county is in Critical Risk (red). Teton Online School is a completely different educational program, which parents choose as an option to sending their children to school, regardless of what the district risk level may be.


Will masks/face coverings be required?
Yes, per the Eastern Idaho Public Health Guidance at all levels. A mask will be given to you if you do not have one.

What accommodations will be made for students with special needs? They will continue to receive individualized supports and interventions as they apply to each phase. Ultimately all decisions are up to the IEP team, and each student’s individual needs will be considered. Parents can request an IEP meeting. Modifications and accommodations, as noted in student IEPs, will be provided to the extent possible and necessary, based on the type of instruction.

Will students be able to take off their masks during recess and other activities outdoors?
Children are encouraged to do their best to keep 6’ social distancing while playing.


Will masks/face coverings be required?
Yes, per the Eastern Idaho Public Health Guidance at all levels.

How will teachers/staff members be able to stay home sick if there’s a limit on sick days?
Teachers and staff will be able to access their standard leave days; further updates are to be determined, based on CARES Act funding.

Are staff required to have a COVID test if they feel sick?
Use the EIPH Health Monitoring Decision Tree.

Will staff be paid if they must quarantine while waiting for test results?
Teachers and staff will be able to access their standard leave days; additional sick leave for COVID-related absences are mandated by federal law. Further updates are to be determined, based on CARES Act funding.

Do we have enough substitutes?
The district will be actively recruiting substitute teachers. If you’d like to substitute, please complete the TSD Substitute application (online at edit_requested=true

Will teachers have face time with students on their remote days?
Sample schedules, based on grade level, are part of the district Reopening Plan.

Will we be able to have PD so that every teacher knows how to use the platforms?
This will be incorporated within the training planned for the first school teacher days.

Will all teachers be tested before school starts?
The district is working with Teton Valley Hospital and state resources to see if this is feasible.


Will masks/face coverings be required?
Yes, per the Eastern Idaho Public Health Guidance at all levels.

Should I take my child’s temperature before they leave for school?
Yes. If it is above 100.4, please keep your child home and monitor for other symptoms, per the EIPH Health Monitoring Decision Tree.

Will I have to pick up my child at school if they are sick?
Yes. We understand that this can create a hardship for families.


Will masks/face coverings be required?
Yes, per the Eastern Idaho Public Health Guidance at all levels.


Will masks/face coverings be required?
Yes, by both students and drivers, per the Eastern Idaho Public Health Guidance at all levels.

How will bus drivers take temperatures of children?
Every bus driver will have an infrared, no-touch thermometer.

What happens if a student has a temperature of above 100.4 degrees?
The student will use hand sanitizer and be seated near the driver. When they get to the school, their temperature will be taken again; if it’s still high, the student will be isolated and their parents will be contacted to come pick them up.

What sanitation will be done to keep buses clean?
Cleaning and disinfecting will take place after each completed bus route.

Will hand sanitizer be provided on every bus?