Day one of home-based learning is over and done with! This is NOT easy; hang in there and stay well.
TETON HIGH SCHOOL: Students and parents picked up packets, Chromebooks, and personal belongings from their lockers today. Teachers and students have been communicating with each other through many forms of electronic communications, i.e. emails, Google Meets, and Zoom.
BASIN HIGH SCHOOL: From Ms. Lord: Hello Basin Students and Families! Mrs. Moulton and I miss seeing everyone but we hope you are all healthy and doing well. The Guinea Pigs and Teton say Hi!! As a reminder: Students should plan to complete 4-6 hours of academic work on each school day to stay on track. Teachers are available M-F; 8-3PM by call/txt to the BHS Cell, Email, or leaving a message on the classroom phone. Parents requesting detailed progress reports should contact Ms. Lord, [email protected] or Mrs. Moulton, [email protected].
TETON MIDDLE SCHOOL: Students and parents are picking up packets and Chromebooks today. Teachers have been available to help with home-based learning assignments and will be available throughout the week. If you have a question about a specific class please reach out to the teacher of that class. If you need to reach out with a general question, please email your advisory teacher and they will call you right back. If you need something, they will make arrangements to get you what you need and will leave it in the front entry of the school.
RENDEZVOUS UPPER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: We held a Google meet at 9:00am. Parents picked up packets — still a handful to go. Remaining packets can be picked up at RUES between 9 and 12 on Tuesday. Staff continued check-ins with students and continued conversations related to potential long-term plans.
DRIGGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: We held a Google meeting with grade levels to check in on questions, comments, concerns. More packets were picked up today and the remainder will be delivered tomorrow; met with other administrators to discuss long term plans.
TETONIA ELEMENTARY AND VICTOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: We held a Google Meet at 9:00 with TES and VES teachers and service providers. At 10:00 Support staff had a Google Meet check in. Made phone calls and had most packets picked up before going to mail. Packets and grades not picked up will be sent out through USPS at the end of day today. VES staff taking shifts going into old VES to label materials and furniture we still need to bring over. Phone and digital conferences set up for students who need help with packets and digital resources. Elementary administrators met at 3:00 to discuss next steps if we cancel school after break. We are looking at digital resources.
MAINTENANCE AND TRANSPORTATION: Continuing same as before; member of our crews helped plow the bike path from Driggs to Victor.
CHILD NUTRITION: Today, we served a total of 504 meals — 260 lunches and 244 breakfasts, bringing our total to about 1,575 meals in five days.
* Families should sign up to receive meals for tomorrow (by midndight) or for the remainder of this week on the website: ( or at this link: Please remember to choose your pickup location.
* We are still accepting responses to the survey about whether your family would participate if we were to continue providing meals through Spring Break. We need to make a decision soon. So if you haven’t filled out the survey yet, please do so at:
* If your family’s income has changed because of the COVID-19 closures, please fill out an application for free/reduced meals. Contact Kathy Rowbury for more information: [email protected], or call 208-228-5723.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Our crew is busy, troubleshooting different issues as they arise, finalizing phone set up, helping in whatever way is needed.
DISTRICT: Former school board member Mary Mello of Victor will serve as the COVID-19 volunteer coordinator for Teton School District 401, according to Superintendent Monte Woolstenhulme.
For right now, that means she will be collecting contact information from community members who want to help during the COVID-19 crisis. If you are interested in volunteering, please send your cell phone and email address to [email protected].
Mary knows the district and community very well from her time as a school board member (for two years), as a counselor at Teton High (for five years) and 32 years as a high school counselor in Wyoming, Woolstenhulme said.
The school principals and others on the TSD 401 Administrative Team are continuing to determine student and staff needs. They’ll be passing these needs to Mary when an outside resource or other assistance may be helpful as the district continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
REMINDER TO STAFF: Please do not report to work if you are feeling sick. Contact your administrator.